In addition to my recent enthusiasm for knitting, I have been spending an inordinate amount of time on my very favourite new thing – Pinterest. What a work of genius! Perhaps it isn’t a novel concept, but it is the first time I’ve come across it and it struck me as a perfectly brilliant idea, done very well. It is essentially a virtual pinboard. Many, if not all creative types keep some kind of inspiration board with fabrics, colours, designs, ideas they like. Many people also bookmark pages they come across on the internet, in order to record project ideas, images, concepts that appeal. I for one have hundreds of bookmarked pages and have them in good order, but rarely do I go back to look through them. I forget what I have and if I need, say, a tutorial for inserting a zipper, I just google it again, rather than hunting for the tutorial I bookmarked. This is where Pinterest comes into its own for me. It always me to virtually ‘pin’ anything I come across onto any number of ‘Boards’, so the image is recorded on the Board and clicking on the image links back to the original site. Cool, huh?! Now I can pin craft project ideas for the children and actually find those great ideas when it comes to spring break holiday! I can also collect ‘Dream Home Inspiration’ images for that elusive day when we build our own house on an acreage somewhere.
Another exciting aspect of Pinterest is that you can follow the pins of other people. Not only that, but you can ‘Like’ what they have pinned, even if you don’t want to ‘Re-pin’ it to your own board.
If you fancy having a look, these are my Boards. I haven’t quite settled into a system yet, but am loving the process! There are so many amazing things out there and now I can pin them to my board and go back anytime I like to see them all in one place. Well done to the Pinterest team!