Here in Nanaimo, on the east coast of Vancouver Island, many people will tell you that we don’t get snow and it stays relatively warm all year long. Yes, it rains a fair bit, but there is hardly ever snow. Well, DON’T BELIEVE THEM! I think there may be some technical term for the condition, but we call it weather amnesia, because it does snow here. We’ve been living here for 8 years and visiting for 18 and it does snow almost every year and it does get cold (-1.8 C so far this morning). Of course, it is all relative. I lived the first 12 years of my life north of Edmonton, Alberta and the average winter temperature was -30 C and the snow sometimes started as early as September and stuck around until April. Other Canadians may scoff at what the Islanders call cold and snow, but it all depends on what you are used to. Anyway, we got snow this weekend (which was unfortunate for all the craft events taking place over the last few days) and the kids are ecstatic about it. Me, not quite so much! I genuinely love the look of it, but I’m pretty sensitive to the cold and am more than a little concerned about the very real possibility of falling over. I’ve had a herniated disk problem for 21 months and the thought of falling and wrecking any progress I’ve made in my recovery fills me with dread. Still, I am determined to put my biggest, safest boots on and get into the garden to take some photos of the fantastic scenery and the brilliant snowman the girls made with Daddy. I’ll be back!
Note: Now -3.5C, schools are open, snow still coming down.