I am still here, but I have injured my back and am supposed to be “resting” and not spending all evening at the sewing machine or computer. No gardening, no running and no lifting. Feeling very miserable about it all. It is spring and the garden needs me! I can’t run, so my goal of getting out and doing a 5km race is having to go on the backburner. I am gutted about that, as I was so close to getting it done. May 24th is the hospital fundraiser run here, but it is not to be. I had been doing my physiotherapy exercises, running regularly, then wham! pain across my lower back and radiating down my right leg. Not fun at all. After 2 weeksm I couldn’t cope with the pain anymore and have been to see the doctor, so at least now I have some relief, but am very frustrated by the enforced inactivity.
On a happy note, DH and I went to the local community market at the weekend and made a very fortuitous discovery. Dumped in a corner, ignored by those who had no idea what it was, I found a floor-standing needlework frame. It was a steal at $5, especially as it is in perfect condition. Very excited about this – even more excited that Pip wants to use it! We had a brief session today and she learned quickly. I will post a pic soon.